Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dislike <---> lovE

What if.. All the things you don't like about yourself are there for someone else to love?

God has someone in mind for us, as He did for Adam in the Garden of Eden. I believe He knows exactly what we look for in a significant other and prepares us accordingly. That goes BOTH ways! My guy will have hopes and look for certain qualities in me just as I look for certain things in him.

You may find you don't like certain qualities about yourself, but stop! Don't change them! The one you're meant to be with may love those things about you and, if you changed them, you might not find each other.

It could be something as simple as the color of your eyes, or marks upon your skin; how big or small your feet are or your bra size (or lack there of). *giggle*

You are fearfully and wonderfully made in every way according to God. Psalm 139:14. Trust that you have those feet and the marks upon your skin for a reason.

I confess, there are things about me I wonder about... Not all of them favorably.

For example, when I laugh, sometimes I snort. I don't know how it happens, I just love to laugh and there it is! Instead of despising that part of me and hiding it, I don't worry about it. The guy God has for me might find it adorable. Who knows, perhaps he will need a reason to laugh and it will be the only thing that works. Would I want to deny laughter to someone else because of my own selfishness? Never!

I also have "spots" all over my body. I carry galaxies on my back, I kid you not. But again, instead of being self conscience about them, I imagine my husband connecting the dots to Orion's Belt on my shoulder or finding the Little Dipper on my side.

Next time you size yourself up in the mirror and pinpoint all the things you would rather change, consider how the companion you hope for might view those things. Instead of wishing to change yourself to meet with someone's approval, wait until you find the one who approves whole-heartedly with you just the way you are. Then you can say you really are "soul mates," or that you're "a match made in heaven."

If you don't, it could mean missing the one you're meant to be with for the rest of your life... What if?


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